Microcap은 Spectrum Software사의 제품으로 원래 유료였으나, 2019년 7월4일부터 무료화 되었다.
- Analog Circuit
- Digital Circuit
- RF Circuit
프로젝트 파일이 텍스트 파일로 되어 있어 Microcap 외부에서 제어가 가능해 VBA(Visual Script for Application), Python에서 제어가 가능하다.
Link : http://www.spectrum-soft.com/index.shtm
Spectrum Software - Micro-Cap 12. Analog simulation, mixed mode simulation, and digital simulation software. SPICE and PSpice®
Spectrum Software was founded in February of 1980 to provide software for personal computers. Initially, the company concentrated on providing software for Apple II systems. One of the earliest products was Logic Designer and Simulator. Released in June 19
Micro-Cap User Downloads
Micro-Cap 10, 11, and 12 are now free and require no key. You can download the full CD or the executable only. Full CD: Use this option if you are new to Micro-Cap or want a fresh install. Download the CD and unzip it into a separate folder. Execute the se